Wednesday, February 27, 2008



Anonymous said...

I love her little Amish bonnet!

And you know what else I would say!

Shannon said...

Those are the most darling pictures I have ever seen! Makes me miss you even more!

Love you, girl!

Jennifer said...

Robyn, what can I say they are wonderful. Thank you so much. You are truly amazing. I love them all of course but when I got down to the last it. I could just cry. :)

Martha said...

Those are amazing!!!! Love them!!! Julia is so gorgeous and again, your eye is amazing...maybe it's your finger and your eye since your finger clicks when your eye catches just the right shot. So I love them. In fact, I would vote those are some of my MOST favs!!! M

Robby and Lynsey said...

cute little girl. I especially love that last one with her cuddling. :)